Sometimes, in this fast-paced hard-living dog-eat-other-dog-eating-a-dog world of cyberpunk decadence, it’s all too easy to lose track of what’s really important. Of what really matters. You may have heard people say we’ve lost the true meaning of Christmas, and I put it to you, dear reader, that this is absolutely true. Particularly if you, like the majority of people who do and have ever lived, don’t actually celebrate Christmas. Just think: millions of people lost the true meaning of Christmas before it was even invented.
The feeling that we had collectively lost the reason for the season was overpowering. Spurred by America’s greatest and most treasured theological scholars–daytime news hosts and forty-year old puppet features–I set out on a quest to discover the essence of the holidays. And I didn’t go into any department stores or shopping malls, oh no. I found my answer in the simple counsel of friends and loved ones.
“Arvind,” I asked after our Sunday-morning team meeting, “What does Christmas mean to you?”
He thought about it. “My cousin had a Christian teacher who celebrated that. Every December he used to make these wine cakes.”
“Were they any good?”
“I’ll say. It was pretty much the best way to get drunk when you were 15.”
“Best holiday ever, yeah.” He thought about it. “But I guess only if you’re 15.”
So there you have it. Film a puppet special about that, networks.
And now, the team updates:
It looks like we’re going to have a pretty solid demo prepared for this upcoming year’s Eurogamer Rezzed. Content creation is going at a pretty respectable clip, and many of the assets we’ll need for the actual art and level parts of the game are already finished. In-engine, we’re at the point where we’re tweaking things like how text appears over NPC heads and how the map should work. Right now the focus is on completing the dialogue scripts, fleshing out the story, and getting the rest of our art assets completed.
On that last note, we’ve added an animator named Mohd Jafar to our team to help us get the sprites looking good–both because he specializes in character animations and because it lets Mikk, our main artist, lavish more detail on them.
Our next game stream is scheduled for January 5th, 2014, at 3PM GMT. We hope to see all of you there!
(Oh–and if you’re celebrating Christmas or anything else, have a good one.)
Posted In: Games