Hello Backers,
We’re almost done with the first chapter of the game (four left now). Let’s go over what we’ve done:
We can load and show small interior areas directly from the level, which should mean less time spent in loading screens and more time spent playing the game.
We also dim the background a little when you open up a UI screen such as the inventory, map etc – a minor tweak, but helps a lot in making sure the player’s attention is on the screen they opened and in differentiating between the interactive and inactive areas.
Rutskarn has already started work on the second chapter after finishing Chapter one. We’ve already settled on the outline bar a few side-quests, and we look set to finish Chapter two on schedule. Mikk has a few minor items left for chapter one, after which he will start sketching out the city of Bhimra. You know what that means – I won’t have to reuse the same countryside screenshots over and over again! I don’t know about you, but I’m excited.
Now for the big news: The Unrest Soundtrack, titled “Voices of Bhimra” is done and ready to be distributed to all backers who pledged at $15 or more. It contains twelve tracks inspired by classical Indian music, and will be available in MP3, FLAC and OGG file formats. You can listen to the album here, and tell your friends to buy it!
HOWEVER, to give the soundtrack to you lovely backers, we must ask you to complete the Kickstarter rewards survey. Around 123 of you have not filled it at the time of writing, and I would really like it if you take the time to answer it and help us deliver the rewards to you correctly.
Our monthly development livestream featuring me, Rutskarn, Ian and Mikk will be live on Sunday, 18th August, 2013 at 5 PM GMT. Join us to see Unrest in motion, and ask us a bunch of questions about the game!
Posted In: Unrest
Tagged: ancient india, game development, games, indie, rpg, Unrest
As a PayPal backer, I have one question: What survey?
Arvind Author
The purpose of the survey is to get the emails from Kickstarter backers – we have the emails of the Paypal backers already, so you don’t need to fill in the survey!
Okay 🙂
The soundtrack is great; I love it. 🙂
Arvind Author
Thanks a lot!